Find a Home Tutor

Lessons are 2 hours long, once or twice a week
Fees are paid 2 weeks in advance of every 4-lesson cycle (by cash or cheque)
All reading materials and practice papers will be provided
All teachers are NUS, NTU, or SMU University graduates.
All home tutors are teachers who also teach full-time at our Centres; we do not hire part-time teachers.
Our home tutors are the same teachers that teach in our group classes. All our teachers are university graduates, and are full-time teachers.
Each teacher has to go through two separate interviews and must fulfill a list of 14 different academic criteria. All of our home tutors have been thoroughly vetted ― both by our students as well as by their MOE colleagues.
Home tuition is one of the single most effective ways of improving a student's G.P. exam grades. And the most important determinant to the success of the student will be the tutor.
I seriously don't know what you did, but whatever you did was really good and Frances' result is proof of that! So I really appreciate it!
— Winnie Leong
All teachers are full-time, professional teachers that also teach in our mainstream classes.